Hey there, I'm Hayden Schiff. I'm a twenty-something software developer and aspiring journalist from Cincinnati, Ohio.
If you're looking for my work experience, you can find my resume here. I'm also on LinkedIn: haydenschiff
If you want to get in touch, the best way to contact me is probably via a tweet or DM: haydenschiff
If 280 characters isn't enough, you can also reach me at hayden@schiff.io.
Some other places you can find me…
- haydenschiff on Twitter
- oxguy3 on Reddit
- oxguy3 on Hacker News
- haydenschiff on LinkedIn
- haydenschiff on Facebook
- oxguy3 on Keybase
- oxguy3 on GitHub
- oxguy3 on Bitbucket
- Hayden Schiff on Stack Overflow
- oxguy3 on Flickr
- IagoQnsi on Wikipedia
- oxguy3 on Snapchat
- itsoxguy3 on Twitch
- oxguy3 on MyAnimeList
I am oxguy3 on Keybase, and I have a bunch of verified identities on there. I have even more identities listed here.
I have a GPG public key with the fingerprint 754F FF90 7E28 2085 32E5 BE86 D902 728B 9E15 BA71
which you can download here.
If you need my SSH key for whatever reason, it's here.